3rd/4th grades

Bitty Badgers division in the South Jersey Youth Field Hockey league

All players will learn or improve fundamentals of field hockey, plus sportsmanship, teamwork, and have teammates and make new friends all around Cherry Hill!

Regular season games are played over 6 weeks on Saturdays: 9/7, 9/14, 9/21, 9/28, 10/12, 10/19. There are 8 games played against other towns in the South Jersey Youth Field Hockey league and are held Saturdays 8:00 am – 2:00 pm at Total Turf in Pitman or Gloucester Twp Park. All games are on turf only, so sneakers are fine to wear.

Practices start August 12th at Cherry Hill HS East, on Mondays and Wednesdays 6-8:00 pm.

The registration fee for 3rd/4th is $150 per player. Payment may be made in monthly installments or paid in full.


Included in each registration is a new uniform (new reversible team jersey, skirt, and 2 pairs of socks) for games and practices.

All players will need shin guards, a mouthguard, and stick. 


Players this age will likely need a 28″ – 33″ stick, depending on height. We recommend going to HerSport in Cherry Hill for help with selecting the right gear for your player. You can also order gear on longstreth.com. They have beginner sets for $50.

Stick should be hip height, or refer to the guidelines below:

Volunteers are highly needed for this age division! Please indicate if you can coach while registering.